The entrance to the new workshop. All the beams had to be painted. A slow and tedious job. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
A jig for building roof trusses. I got it all setup but we didn’t have time to actually use it. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
The end wall of the workshop has the first layer of stucco completed. It was hard work because of the strong winds. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus,…
The team preparing to parge a section of the workshop wall. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
A view of Duplex 3, the new foundation and the countryside. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
The redone gravel base and rebar for a concrete pad beside the workshop. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania
The completed excavation and levelling of an area behind Duplex 2. Fuller Center work site, Jucu de Sus, Romania